European Launch Strategy for Carlsberg Brand

Supporting European markets for the launch of alcohol free beer Birell


Carlsberg Group approached Bright Light PR with a brief to develop an international PR plan for the launch of their new alcohol-free beer brand, Birell. We needed to develop a launch plan and arm the markets with all the tools they needed for a successful launch, but it went further than simply developing a toolkit. A large part of the brief was also to support the launch markets, Poland and Bulgaria, with implementation of the plans in their markets.


The AFB (alcohol-free brews) markets is booming in many markets, but still under developed in others. Our plan had to work for all markets, we recommended a plan that would focus on the passion points of the consumers who are driving the category.

We set out to identify and mobilise a new movement across Europe: the Healthy Hedonists. Highly connected, highly motivated, health aware, active and keen to embrace every opportunity. BLPR lead a research project across initial launch markets, Poland and Bulgaria, that identified this new tribe. The research revealed newsworthy insights that were used to deliver quality coverage.

To help drive this new mindset forward, we developed an influencer programme to be rolled out in each country. BLPR lead the activity, working closely with brand teams and their agencies to identify suitable influencers, we supported with materials including briefing presentations, contracts and content plans.


BLPR developed a brand and product launch toolkit that could be used by all markets. It offered guidelines and templates for a range of key PR tools to ensure a successful product launch.

BLPR then also created an influencer programme toolkit with everything from influencer selection guides through to content plans and contract templates.

A mini toolkit delivered templates to help markets make the most of the research results across media, social media and digital channels and amongst influencers. We also worked with markets to use this research and insights gained, to deliver category PR pieces and articles highlighting the growth of the non-alcoholic market and the mindset behind it in each country.


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